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Postgres 11 partitioning

PostgreSQL supported table partitioning  implementation based on inheritance and triggers for over more than a decade now. However, the declarative partition support was added in Postgres 10 release in Oct 2017.  Since Postgres 10, Postgres  supports built-in declarative partitioning so it was easier to create partitions but you still need to manage trigger to update […]

Audit logging with Postgres partitioning

As I mentioned in my previous post  “Audit logging using JSONB in Postgres” , audit tables can be partitioned easily in Postgres 10. Let’s use Postgres partitioning in sample users_audit table… Drop existing trigger on live table and users_audit table drop trigger users_audit_trig ON public.users; drop table if exists audit.users_audit; Create partition table by RANGE partition […]

Audit logging using JSONB in Postgres

Recently, someone reached out to me asking “what’s the best way to achieve database DML auditing in Postgres?” I have suggested a couple of options below to achieve DML auditing in Postgres: Audit using Postgres logs. Postgres allows to keep track of DML statements at database level by enabling auditing directly in the postgres logs. You can use extension […]

Tracing Tableau to Postgres connectivity issue using Wireshark!

I spent last couple of weeks trying to resolve connection issues from Tableau Server 10.3 to Postgres 9.6.6.  If you are not familiar with Tableau , it  is popular enterprise grade  visualization tool  allow advanced analytic capabilities to understand and visualize  data .  As it is very popular in the industry, it is obvious that tableau has […]

Christmas Gift!

Merry Christmas!! If you are using SQL Server or Oracle databases, I’m giving away my 1 hour of time for rest of this week for free of cost to  discuss how you can save $$$$ by migrating them to PostgreSQL database by keeping same features and achieve better performance. you can shoot an email to Happy […]

Running Postgres in Docker

For last six months, I have been working on moving Postgres from bare metal & VM based  systems in  Docker. As of today, we have migrated a couple of mission critical Postgres DBs  (~ 2TB) on to Docker environment. During the migration  journey, I have listed down some of the things to consider running Postgres production instances […]

10 commandments of Database Management

After having decade of experience managing small to large scale and/or varieties of database  systems, here is my first try to come up with the top ten commandments of database management ! Thou shalt always learn database systems strengths and weaknesses Thou shalt choose appropriate database to store and process data to empower business Thou […]

Choosing the right database: Understanding your options

Yesterday, SDTimes published my article “Choosing the right database: Understanding your options” . As the name suggests, the article talks about understanding available options for selecting the right database, and explains attributes needs to be considered during the selection process. I hope you will check it out. Comments are welcome!