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MySQL Foriegn Key create ERROR: MySQL Error Number 1005

Have you ever come across this error? MySQL Error Number 1005ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can’t create table ‘./wordpress/#sql-2693_f74e.frm’ (errno: 150) Jason summarized very good article to track down error reported on his blog. It helped me , hopefully these tricks will help you as well!! Post in comment , if it helps to save your day!!

“Shrink” MS SQL Server transaction logfile

          Microsoft SQL Server transactions log file “too large” is common problem. We need to manually shrink the transaction log file as one time operation and after that setting up proper recovery policy and/or keeping mirror server available all the time , we could  avoid  infinite growth of transactions log in future.          Transaction log file […]

Faster & Better VACUUM FULL

                In presentation, I discussed in detail about Bloat issue in PostgreSQL and methods to remove Bloat from the tables/indexes. Now a days, PostgreSQL9.0 is common and  the widely used version for the production use and it’s vital to remind about changes in most important bloat removal tool called “VACUUM FULL”. Until PostgreSQL 9.0, VACUUM […]

PostgreSQL Handyman Toolset

     A PostgreSQL handyman is a person skilled at a wide range of maintenance and repairs, typically around the PostgreSQL database system.  If you are working with PostgreSQL and you have right tools for  the job, you can easily accomplish that job efficiently and most importantly on time. In real world, if you want to […]

The Scalability & Performance Conference : Surge 2011

         The Scalability and Performance covers most of the web scale issues, innovations and  evolutions in technology. As per my knowledge, Surge is the only conference  that gives the coverage to the issues and solutions concerning Scalability & Performance without any bias on technology that we often notice at most other conferences. For […]

Monitoring Riak using Circonus

       One of the core responsibilities that all engineering disciplines share at OmniTi is assessing the appropriateness of the technologies at hand. Recently, I have been assessing “NoSQL” database technology called Riak. As a DBA, I would like to learn a way to monitor the database server without wasting lots of time and energy! At OmniTi, we […]

When was my database started ?

In the database world, it’s fair to ask question to database that when have you started? In Oracle world, it can be easily find out by querying system level view V$INSTANCE. In PostgreSQL world, until today, I wasn’t able to answer that question without checking database log files. Today, I asked this question to OmniTi’s […]

P90X your database!! presentation slides

I just gave talk on “P9ox your database!!” .. here are the slides..

Extreme Training Session at PgEast: P90X your Database!

Over-allocated space in tables and indexes is a very common problem in PostgreSQL database where explosive data growth and changes occurs. This over allocated space is called “bloat”. Bloated tables and indexes waste resources of the system and cause large performance anomaly to the applications. Vacuum process helps to avoid bloat but some cases where […]

PosgreSQL DBA commands for Beginners

PostgreSQL is world best open source database. PostgrSQL is RDBMS database like Oracle . The main advantage of PostgreSQL is that it’s open source and free. Moreover, PostgreSQL provides comparable features like Oracle. Today, I came across an useful PostgreSQL Database Administration commands series. I would highly recommend following articles for the beginners to get […]