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Inserting JSON data into Postgres using JDBC driver

EDIT:  Marcus(1st comment provider) helped me to write much cleaner and secure code. It doesn’t require CAST function and uses  PGobject with jdbc’s setObject. You could download updated code from git-repo. Thanks Marcus !! One of the clients of OmniTI requested help to provide sample application to insert JSON data into Postgres using Java JDBC driver […]

Deploying PostgreSQL on Amazon EC2: A Case Study

I got opportunity to give talk on “Deploying PostgreSQL on Amazon EC2: A Case Study” at  PGDay NYC and LOPSA-East . Here is the slides deck:   Deploying postgre sql on amazon ec2 from Denish Patel

When was the database created in Postgres cluster ?

Continuous Integration (CI)  using automated open source tools such as Jenkins and Hudson  is getting adoption rapidly. These tools help developers to gain confidence for creating more robust code rapidly by improving testing and QA process. The flexibility of these softwares add other challenges for the DBAs! One of our client came across challenge to cleanup databases […]

pg_repack in action!

Couple of years ago, I started compiling blog post on pg_reorg but that post never made it to published post because of my procrastination !! Though, I wasn’t disappointed because I got opportunity to talk about removing bloat from tables on databases at one of the PostgreSQL conference. Moreover, Depesz ,  colleague at OmniTI,  wrote a […]

An easy way to reduce outage window for PostgreSQL Upgrade!

PostgreSQL 9.2 release provides lots of great features. Recently, one of the clients at OmniTI required upgrade of their couple of PostgreSQL production databases running on PostgreSQL version 9.0 to PostgreSQL 9.2. The client is running database servers on Amazon EC2 instances. For the failover purpose, they run 3 instances in the setup, one instance is […]

2 Elephants in the Room!!

Yesterday, I gave a lightning talk at Hadoop DC- Hadoop User Group (HUG) in Columbia,MD. It was pleasure to talk about PostgreSQL and Hadoop to enthusiastic crowd. Please check out the slides!

monitor bucardo replication lag using circonus

         I have been using circonus for monitoring, trending and alerting for any database metrics for quite a long time now. The circonus interface makes the monitoring, trending and alerting setup painless and you can see graph flowing in minutes. Another good thing about Circonus is that you can monitor anything that […]

What is pg_extractor ?

In my recent blog post, I wrote about PostgreSQL DBA Handyman toolset. In the list of tools, getddl is one of them. If you are using getddl to get DDL schema and track the daily changes in SVN for production databases, you should consider moving that process to use pg_extractor instead. pg_extractor is the more […]

Faster & Better VACUUM FULL

                In presentation, I discussed in detail about Bloat issue in PostgreSQL and methods to remove Bloat from the tables/indexes. Now a days, PostgreSQL9.0 is common and  the widely used version for the production use and it’s vital to remind about changes in most important bloat removal tool called “VACUUM FULL”. Until PostgreSQL 9.0, VACUUM […]