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10 commandments of Database Management

After having decade of experience managing small to large scale and/or varieties of database  systems, here is my first try to come up with the top ten commandments of database management ! Thou shalt always learn database systems strengths and weaknesses Thou shalt choose appropriate database to store and process data to empower business Thou […]

Preventing Human Errors in Postgres

Whenever discussion on Disaster Recovery Planning for the databases comes up, “Preventing & Recovering from Human Error” topic arises because human tends to make mistakes and engineers are humans 🙂  Having best DBAs around and with restrictions &  best practices/policies in-place,  you still can’t afford to ignore the fact – “an engineer could make mistake”. […]

Postgres Security & PGConf NYC 2014

As per my knowledge, I haven’t heard or attended  Postgres conference with dedicated “Security” track . Rarely, you find one or two talks about security over couple of Postgres conferences but  never a dedicated track !  It is  indisputable to say that  Security is one of the most critical areas to consider for selecting  database […]

Choosing the right database: Understanding your options

Yesterday, SDTimes published my article “Choosing the right database: Understanding your options” . As the name suggests, the article talks about understanding available options for selecting the right database, and explains attributes needs to be considered during the selection process. I hope you will check it out. Comments are welcome!

Can Postgres 9.2 upgrade cause “Out of memory” error?

Earlier this week, we got an email from with the need of “a serious Postgres expert” to solve the problem they have been experiencing and blocker for number of projects at hand. They heard good things about OmniTI from technology clubs and communities in NYC. is an online charity that makes it easy for anyone to help students in need. […]

A week(s) of Conferences!

This week, I will be attending Surge (Scalability Conference) in Washington D.C. Next week, I will be speaking/attending  PgOpen (Postgres conference)  in Chicago. If you are planning to attend any of these conferences, it will be nice opportunity to meet in-person and catch up on technologies & stories specifically about databases ! See you soon!!

Postgres 9.2: monitoring temp files generation in real time

With other great new features, PostgreSQL 9.2 makes DBAs life easy by providing more metrics  in statistics collector views. Out of those , pg_stat_database caught my eyes because it provides a lot more details compare to Postgres 9.1 and other previous versions. Postgres 9.1 postgres=# \d pg_stat_database View “pg_catalog.pg_stat_database” Column | Type | Modifiers —————+————————–+———– datid | oid […]

Inserting JSON data into Postgres using JDBC driver

EDIT:  Marcus(1st comment provider) helped me to write much cleaner and secure code. It doesn’t require CAST function and uses  PGobject with jdbc’s setObject. You could download updated code from git-repo. Thanks Marcus !! One of the clients of OmniTI requested help to provide sample application to insert JSON data into Postgres using Java JDBC driver […]

Deploying PostgreSQL on Amazon EC2: A Case Study

I got opportunity to give talk on “Deploying PostgreSQL on Amazon EC2: A Case Study” at  PGDay NYC and LOPSA-East . Here is the slides deck:   Deploying postgre sql on amazon ec2 from Denish Patel