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Half a decade with OmniTi, PostgreSQL, FOSS …

  • Denish Patel
  • 14th February 2012
  • misc

By end of this month, I am completing 5 years with OmniTI. Before joining OmniTI, I was an Oracle DBA and worked mostly with closed source databases. I am grateful & fortunate that Theo and Robert provided me opportunity and guidance to work and contribute with open source technologies and most importantly an open source database PostgreSQL ! At OmniTI, if you don’t have hesitation to learn new technlogy, you will have smooth learning experience alongside working with your known technology for the clients. Most importantly, you can have access to technology leaders in the office. Ironically, I never worked for single company longer than a year before joining OmniTI in my career but now I am looking forward to learn and contribute to FOSS community working with OmniTI.

Since joining, I haven’t spent a day without learning a new thing . Are you bored at routine work? Come join OmniTI’s adventure, here I work!

Bravo to OmniTI & PosgreSQL and FOSS community!!

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