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Connecting Postgres to Active Directory for Authentication

  • Denish Patel
  • 10th January 2018
  • postgresql, security

I have connected our Postgres instance to Active Directory for authentication because I didn’t want to manage passwords for hundreds for users accessing mission critical databases. The authentication is being performed by Active Directory but authorization (managing groups, permissions at table/column/row level) is still be handled by Postgres. The biggest advantage of connecting Postgres to AD for real users, I don’t have to worry on password and password policies because the policies are handled by AD. On the other hand,  users database authentication will be dependent on AD infrastructure. Please make sure AD infrastructure is redundant enough with low latency connection  for your organization before making this decision.

I have come up with simple steps to connect Postgres to Active Directory. TBH, If you can get serviceAccount to be used to connect to organization’s active directory, the rest of the setup is fairly straight forward.

Step-1 :

Get and active directory server name and test connection from Postgres server :

postgres-dbserver$ nc -v 389
Connection to 389 port [tcp/ldap] succeeded!
Step-2 :

Install ldap-utils package so you can use ldap command line tools to test connections.

yum install ldap-utils
apt-get install ldap-utils
Step-3 :

Ask your AD/LDAP admins to get full path of OU and CN for your organization and construct ldapsearch query. I’m using sAMAccountName as username but you can use other attributes for username i.e uid

ldapsearch -v -x -H ldap:// -b "OU=Users,OU=local,DC=example,DC=com" -D "CN=service-account-username,OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=Users,OU=local,DC=example,DC=com" -W "(sAMAccountName=dpatel)"

If you are using uid for the validation,  your search query will look like this …

ldapsearch -v -x -H ldap:// -b "OU=Users,OU=local,DC=example,DC=com" -D "CN=service-account-username,OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=Users,OU=local,DC=example,DC=com" -W "(uid=dpatel)"

If the above query returns the result, you successfully found the user in the Active directory on specified path. If you can’t find user, please work with Active Directory Admin to find the correct basedn (-b option in above query).

Step-4 :

Add following line in pg_hba.conf and reload the config. Postgres reads pg_hba.conf from top to bottom. Please make sure to add this line at the end so authentication for other application users can be performed without active directory.

host all all ldap ldapbasedn="OU=Users,OU=local,DC=example,DC=com" ldapbinddn="CN=service-account-username,OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=Users,OU=local,DC=example,DC=com" ldapbindpasswd="Testing123" ldapsearchattribute="sAMAccountName"

* * Password with special characters like @! doesn’t parse properly in pg_hba.conf. Plus, I had to provide plain text password in pg_hba.conf for AD service account. If you know alternative, please let me know 🙂 

psql> create role dpatel login;
Step-6 :

Test the connection. Looks for Postgres logs for success/error.

Hopefully,  this post will help someone to integrate Postgres with Active Directory using LDAP protocol.

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  1. This is really *not* the recommended way to set up PostgreSQL in an Active Directory environment. Active Directory uses Kerberos for authentication, which PostgreSQL supports through GSSAPI and is *much* more secure. Note that with LDAP auth this way, the user’s password has to be sent to the PostgreSQL server and, further, a password has to be configured in the pg_hba.conf to connect to the LDAP server. Neither of these are good and neither are required. Please, when setting up PostgreSQL in an Active Directory environment, use GSSAPI for your authentication and *not* LDAP auth.

  2. I am sort of a new at this, I have found GSSAPI to work well but LDAP is simpler to implement. I also found that LDAP is generically “clear-text” so I would suggest forcing SSL/TLS connections

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